This patient is a 60-year-old female with no contributory past medical history. She wants to have fixed teeth in the maxilla and represent a ZAGA – 3 classifications with 3 hopeless teeth.
Upon examination, a significant thin and concave ridge was noted, due to the decades of wearing a partial removable denture.
This patient was treated with intravenous sedation and local anesthesia was administered. The remanent hopeless teeth were extracted and a crestal incision was made, with a full-thickness
flap up to the Fronto-zygomatic notch and lateral orbital rim.
2 Noris Medical zygomatic implants System was placed on each side of the zygomatic bone with a tunnel osteotomy at the level of the maxilla bone critical zone as determining the ZAGA-3 classification protocol in combination with bilateral tuberosity implants to obtain better A-P spread.
The torque insertion of each implant was over 60 Ncm, and the flap was closed with 3-0 silk sutures. There were no complications and the protocol of Immediate loading of the maxilla (provisional fixed teeth the same day) was done.
After 5 months of healing the final fixed restoration was performed, and now a day the rehabilitation has 5 years of follow-up with a very happy patient with life quality recovery.