Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is a branch of dentistry and head and neck surgery that deals with the surgical treatment of diseases, fractures, lesions, and deformities in the face, jaws and tissues, and adjacent organs. Patients come to the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon after being referred by the dentist or general practitioner.
Diseases and pathological conditions in the face, mouth, and jaws are diagnosed and treated in cases of inflammation, tumors, and deformities, as well as a variety of surgical treatments for the alveolar bone, the bone that carries the teeth.
An expert in oral and maxillofacial surgery I believe in providing specialized care at the highest level, using the new tools and the most advanced techniques in the field today.
I am committed to reliability and professionalism and advocate to provide personalized advice and treatments with regards to dental implants and complex bone grafts to all my patients.
I personally invite you to contact us and receive our professional opinion and care.