
The ZYGO Pro™ concept provides a complete education Path: hands-on courses, webinars, on-line courses, mentoring program, cases studies and articles. All courses are lead by the top experts in the fields with ZYGO Pro™ excellence standards. we offer a range of theoretical and practical courses, training on models, cadavers, as well as live surgery in real-time.
courses & events
Course speakers: Dr. Francesco Grecchi, MD, OMFS Dr. Fabrizio Grivetto, MD, OMFS Dr...
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This presentation will give a detailed explanation of the procedure and guide you through the steps for surgical planning and...
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This presentation will give a detailed explanation of the procedure and guide you through the steps for surgical planning and...
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About the Webinar The ultimate dental implant challenge is the reconstruction of the severely resorbed Maxilla, especially in patients with...
academic article
Written by Francesco Grecchi a, Emma Grecchi b, Massimo Del Fabbro a, b, Funda Goker b, *
academic article
Written by Written by: Francesco Gallo, Francesco Zingari, Alessandro Bolzoni , Selene Barone and Amerigo Giudice
As is widely known, in dental implant surgery, accurate three-dimensional positioning is essential to obtaining optimal results for a proper prosthetic rehabilitation [1]. In recent years, the combination of cone...
clinical case
Surgery performed by Dr. L. Yehuda Gil, Specialist Maxillofacial Surgeon
clinical case
Live Surgery Session performed by Dr. med. Dr. med. dent. Pawel Schwartzmann
clinical case
A 68-year-old female was referred to our clinic for oral rehabilitation of her upper and lower jaws. The patient had inserted 8 maxillary implants 1 year before, and an attempt...