Dr. Nathan Eberle
(954) 507-6441
Weston, Florida, USA

Dr. Nathan Eberle MD, DDS, FACS is a rare breed of surgeon, a double board-certified surgeon does not even tell the entire story. He began first training in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, followed this training with General Surgery, and completed his education with a residency in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Dr. Eberle is one of less than 100 surgeons in the United States with these credentials. His education, coupled with his hands-on experience and eye for aesthetics, provides discerning patients with a unique opportunity to make their personal aesthetic rejuvenation desires a reality.

​​​​​​​Dr. Eberle focuses all of his expertise and years of training on his patients, who seek only the best in aesthetic plastic surgery or Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. From his years of surgery training in fields of medicine that overlap operating on the facial skeleton, he understands the complexity of the facial skeleton and soft tissue needs of patients to formulate the best and most individualized aesthetic or reconstructive rejuvenation treatment for each patient. Not only does Dr. Eberle focus his expertise on the rejuvenation of the face, breasts, and body, but he also dedicates a portion of his practice to Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery patients requiring reconstructive Dental Implant Surgery, procedures such as All-On-Four with or without the use of zygomatic Implants.

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Mazor Dental Clinic

Prof. Ziv Mazor is one of Israel’s leading periodontists. He graduated from the periodontal department at the Hadassah School for Dental Medicine in Jerusalem, where he served as a clinical instructor and lecturer for undergraduate and postgraduate dental students.

Since 1993, Prof. Mazor has been engaged in clinical research in the field of Bone Augmentation and Sinus Floor Elevation. He is currently participating in the quest for improving and evaluating new grafting materials, using various growth factors as well as researching “osseodensification”- a paradigm shift in dental implantology.

Prof. Mazor is a renowned author in dental implantology and is known worldwide for his innovative approaches to cutting-edge procedures and technologies. He is a world-known speaker and has lectured extensively both nationally and internationally. This year was his 25th consecutive year speaking at the AAP.

Prof. Mazor is part of the continuing education faculty at New York University and an Associate Professor at Titu Maiorescu University in Bucharest, Romania. He conducts and moderates advanced international implantology courses and workshops. He is the past President of the Israeli Periodontal Society.

Prof. Mazor maintains a private practice limited to periodontal and implant dentistry in Tel Aviv & Ra’anana, Israel.

DMD – Graduated in Dentistry, 1997, ISCS-SUL, Portugal. Postgraduate Degree in Oral Surgery, Lisbon, 2000. Postgraduate Degree in Implantology Straumann, Madrid, Spain, 2002. Postgraduate Degree in Implantology, Implantbrazil, Brasil, 2007. Postgraduate Degree in Bone Reconstruction, Implantbrazil, Brasil, 2008. Postgraduate Degree in Zygomatic Rehabilitation, Implantbrazil, Brasil, 2010. Speaker at National and International Conferences. Awarded First Place in Portuguese Congresses of the Dentistry Portuguese Order (OMD) in the field of Implantology, 2014, 2016, 2017. Professor Assistant of the International Postgraduate Course In Implantology, Bone Reconstruction, Zygomatic Rehabilitation – Implantbrazil, Professor Alexander Salvoni, 2007-present. Oral Surgery Specialist, OMD, 2017. PhD Oral Rehabilitation, Bone Reconstruction, Coimbra University, 2015. Oral Rehabilitation Assistant Professor of Faculdade de Medicina Dentária, Coimbra University, 2015-2020. Oral Surgery Assistant Professor of University Institute Egas Moniz, 2022- present.