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Platform switch hybrid zygoma implants improve prosthetics and marginal bone protection after extra-sinus placement

academic article

Paweł Aleksandrowicz PhD, MD, DDS1 | Marta Kusa-Podkanska PhD, DDS 1 | Witold Tomkiewicz MD2 | Lidia Kotuła PhD, MD3 | Jan Perek DDS2 | Joanna Wysokinska-Miszczuk PhD prof. DDS 1

Purpose: The aim of our studdy is clinical evaluation of Platform switch hybrid zygoma implants. Materials and Methods: 117 zygomatic implants were followed up during this time. They included 55 Brånemark System zygoma implants, 38 Noris implants, and 24 novel iRES hybrid implants with platform switch. Results: Bone quality and quantity are the prerequisite for successful implant treatment. Zygomatic implants are intended for patients with severely resorbed maxilla that cannot accommodate conventional implants without prior extensive bone grafting. Such regenerative procedures, like sinus lifts, prolong implant rehabilitation to several months (12–18). Furthermore, extensive grafts are less predictable showing varying degrees of graft resorption. Zygoma implants enable full, often immediate, reconstruction of the upper dental arch without the need for sinus lift treatment. The original zygoma protocol runs the implants through the sinus, requires general anesthesia, and positions the prosthetic platform of the implants on the palate, which makes prosthesis cumbersome. It also induces risk for post-op sinusitis. Extra-sinus approach with novel zygoma hybrid implants bypasses sinuses and positions the implant prosthetic platform on the crest allowing for same good prosthetics as on conventional dental implants. Furthermore, crestal threads and a platform-switch, of the novel zygoma design, increase implant anchorage and minimize marginal bone loss. The study presents evolution of zygoma implant rehabilitation protocol and zygoma implant design in our clinical practice over 15 years (2004-2019). Conclusion: Extra-sinus zygomatic implant placement lowers the risk of post-op sinusitis and makes procedure possible to be done in local anesthesia.

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